Hello All,
Last weekend I went down to the Randolph Industrial Park with my mother and father we saw quite a few new birds for all of us. My expectation was that this was going to be a park in the sense that it would have trails, or a playground, or something generally associated with a park. However, this is basically an undeveloped area with roads that will eventually lead to commercial buildings. It's looks like an undeveloped neighborhood at present so when we got there we had a little trouble locating it due to our somewhat mis-guided preconception of where we were heading. Upon our arrival we were greeted with birds within minutes of stopping the car. We saw Savannah Sparrows, Grasshopper Sparrows, Dickcissel, and Bobolinks, all of which were life birds for the 3 of us. I would say that one of my biggest weaknesses with bird ID's has got to be sparrows so if my ID's look suspicious, please let me know. I'll post photos of the above mentioned birds over the coming days. Let's start with the Savannah Sparrow!