Friday, May 09, 2008

Springbrook Nature Center (Continued)

The Yellow-rumped Warblers were most abundant around the water, I'm guessing this was due to the larger supply of bugs. I watched them spend time swooping towards the surface of the water and then back up the cat tails. It was a behavior I've witnessed earlier this year up at Carlos Avery, but I'd never seen it prior to that.

Yellow-rumped Warbler:

Yellow-rumped Warbler

This Kinglet landed only about 3 feet from me and then continued to jump from branch to branch staying in each spot for only about 1 second. I could not get a decent shot of this bird. I had the feeling it was just taunting me. Here's the only shot I got that was even close to in focus. I think this bird was giving me the bird.

Ruby-crowned Kinglet:

Ruby-crowned Kinglet