OK, today was a very cool day! We had a new visitor to the yard, and a new bird added to my life list. Honestly, the Red-headed Woodpecker is one of those birds that I have always wanted to see and have never had the chance until today. This woodpecker visited our feeder today for about 1 minute and I snapped off a few shots through the window. Needless to say, I was extremely excited to see this bird!
Red-headed Woodpecker:
Red-headed Woodpecker:
"Red-headed woodpecker populations have declined 89% since 1967. The bird has experienced an average decline of 4.6% per year since 1980 due to loss of habitat and other factors. The Audubon Society recognizes Red-heads as a top five bird of concern in much of its range: Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, North Dakota and Ohio. "
- Quote taken from Redhead Recovery(.org). There is quite a bit of information on this website about the Red-headed Woodpecker.